


主讲人:徐景 中国科学院无线传感网与通信重点实验室副主任、研究员





徐景,男,2005年与东南大学获通信与信息系统博士,2005年加入中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所,2010年入选上海市青年科技启明星(A类),2013起为研究员,现任科学院无线传感网与通信重点实验室副主任。已经在国际期刊(IEEE Trans. Commun.等)和会议(ICC等)发表了30 篇论文,编著中文专著1本,著英文专著1章,申请42 个发明专利,其中16 个为国际发明专利,已授权发明专利7 个。研究领域为无线网络性能统计建模及分析、5G(超密集无线网络)和软件定义无线网络。 


The statistical characteristics of the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) are closely related to many performance metrics of cellular networks. In this paper, the downlink average rate and SINR distribution are studied for orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)-based cellular networks subject to the distance-dependent path loss and shadow fading (SF). With the analytical approximate mean and moment generating function (MGF) of the SINR in the logarithmic domain, the closed-form approximation for the lower and upper bounds of the average rate is obtained. Then the distribution of the SINR in the logarithmic domain is proposed to be approximated as the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution whose parameters are computed explicitly through moment matching. Also, the closed-form expression for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the SINR based on the NIG approximation is derived. Simulation results not only verify the tightness of the bounds, but also show that the NIG approximation is up to one order of magnitude more accurate than the Pearson type IV approximation and at least one order of magnitude more accurate than the lognormal approximation when the SF correlation coefficient is small or the standard deviations of the SF are large or different.